DART Overview

April 26, 2005


This document is meant to introduce concepts for the BASIS Departmental Accounting, Reporting, and Tracking (DART) system. The system is designed to be responsive to the day-to-day needs of the University community, providing departmental users with tools for effective planning and financial control.

Campus departments have the ability to aggregate financial activity into categories that are meaningful to them (e.g., Copying, Computer Maintenance, In-State Travel, etc.), as well as the ability to view fund balances on-line and enter anticipated revenues and expenditures. When combined with on-line lists and reports, these tools should eliminate the need for duplicate entry and maintenance of stand-alone bookkeeping systems.

DART Online Functions

DART Commands appear below. To initiate a command, you can select it from a menu or type the command in the Command field.
ACALActual accounting CALendar
ADAccounting Detail
CACCCopy All Center Categories
CCCCompany Cost Center
CCCACompany Cost Center Add
CDCCenter Dept Category maintenance
CSCCCopy Selected Center Categories
DCATDepartmental CATegory maintenance
DBCDistribute Budget to Categories
LACCList All Categories for a CCC
LAPOList Acctg txns for a PO and date
LATCList Acctg Trxns by Category for a dac
LATFList Acctg Trxns by Follow-up for a dac
LATMList Acctg Trxns by Month for a CCC
LATOList Acctg Trxns for an INT service Order
LATSList Acctg Trxns with Suspended code
LBAMList Balances for a ccc & Acct by Month
LBCAList Balances for a CCC & type by Acct
LBCBList Balances for a Co., Bu, and class
LBCMList Balances by Category by Month for a cost center
LBDCList Balances by Dept Category for a cost center
LBRCList Balances by Rollup Cost Center
LBSPList Balances for Sponsored Programs
LCACList CAtegories for a Class
LCATList CATegories
LCBUList Company cost centers for a Budgetary Unit
LCICList CAtg for Inst Catg/Class by Seq cd
LOPCList Open PO's for a Company Cost Center
LPACList Planned Activity by Category for ACCC
LRSPList Revenue for Sponsored Programs


Institutional Category

An Institutional category is a predefined code (eight characters or less) used to identify the highest level of categorization of the budget. This is the level at which the university budgets funds to cost centers. When a company cost center is created, an appropriate mix of institutional categories are automatically added to the company cost center. Institutional categories can be broken down into sub-categories called departmental categories if the department wants a more detailed level of activity. Below is a list of institutional categories, descriptions, and category class (1-asset, 2-liability, 3-fund balance, 4-revenue, or 5-expenditure).

Category Category DescriptionCategory Class
FundBalFund Balance3
FedApproFederal Appropriations4
GrantsGrants and Contracts4
OtherOther Revenue Sources4
SalesSales and Services4
StApproState Appropriations4
TuitionTuition and Fees4
CostIndiCost Indirect5
DebtServDebt Service5
EGChgBkE&G Charge Back5
FringeNAFringe Benefits not allowed5
FringesFringe Benefits5
OtherComOther Compensation5
OthrMandOther Mandatory5
SalClassSalaries, Classified5
SalClPBSalaries, Classified Partial Benefits5
SalGASalaries, Graduate Assistant5
SalNCSalaries, Nonclassified5
SalNCPBSalaries, Nonclassified Partial Benefits5
SalSumAlSalaries, Summer/Annual Leave5
WagesWages 5
WagesStuWages, Student5

Company Cost Center (CCC)

A company cost center identifies the lowest level entity that financial information is maintained. The first four digits identify the company, the next five digits identify the department, the next two digits identify the function (use of funds), and the last four digits can be used to further define a cost center into projects.

Departmental Category

A departmental category is a code (eight characters or less) used to categorize or organize budget, expense, estimated revenue, revenue and other financial activity at a level of detail useful to departments. For example, SupOff is the departmental category for office supplies, which would be considered a sub-category of the institutional category of Maint. All of the departmental categories can be listed by using LCAT. If a category is needed which does not occur on the list, contact Financial Affairs to request its addition to the system.

Use of the departmental categories allows you to view balances with activity listed under very specific headings, such as TravInSt, Airfare, Copying, Dues, EqptComp and SupOff instead of a lump total under Maint.

Account Code

An Account Code is a general ledger eight digit number that represents the category, class code, and object code or ID. The first 2 digits represent the category, the third digit represents the class, and the last five digits represent the object code or ID.

Accounting Transaction Type (Acct Txn Type or T)

An accounting transaction type is a number that identifies the transaction as an asset (1),liability (2), fund balance (3), revenue (4), expense (5), estimated revenue (6), budget (7), interfund transfer (8), or an intrafund transfer (9).

Source Code (SC)

A source code identifies the source of the accounting transaction such as UP for purchase order transactions, GJ for general ledger transactions, LD for payroll transactions, and IO of internal purchase order transactions.


A class is a number that identifies a departmental category as an asset (1), liability (2), fund balance (3), revenue or estimated revenue (4), or budget/expense/encumbrance/ commitment/planned expenditure/fund transer (5).


A commitment represents requistion amounts that have not been assigned a purchase order number. The requistions have been submitted for approval but not yet approved.

Pending Transaction Amount

A pending amount represents a transaction that has been subitted for approval but not yet approved such as GJIM and LABOR transactions.

Planned Activity Amount

A Planned Activity is a specific dollar amount that is expected to be spent but no transactions representing these amounts have been created.

Sequence Codes

The sequence code is a three-character value that defines the order in which categories are displayed or sorted, allowing for broad groupings of categories and an organization that makes sense to you. When categories are created by Financial Affairs, they are assigned a "UA Seq" or default institutional sequence. This is the sequence used unless you override it by specifying a preferred departmental sequence (Dept Seq).

Each CCC can have its own sequence codes arranged. Using sequence codes, you could have all computer-related expenditures listed together or all travel-related expenses. Sequence codes can be duplicated (shared among categories on a CCC).